
General Tips


Do thermostats need batteries? Yes, they do. Batteries in thermostats are more than just a power source. They act as energy storage and a backup source to retain programmed schedules in case of power outages. Therefore, even today the 24-volt c-wired digital thermostats also have a battery compartment. Manufacturers encourage the use of batteries for this reason. What’s the need for an energy backup in a Thermostat? Batteries act as a secondary power source for digital thermostats, similar to how UPS helps a computer during a power outage. It saves the program and leaves you from the time and effort in resetting the thermostat’s settings that get erased in such unprecedented events. If you program the schedule for the week beforehand, losing them would mean relying on your memory to set all the energy-efficient settings on the thermostat. It could be a cumbersome and frustrating task to get done. Batteries…