
Nest Thermostats


Purchasing a new thermostat for the HVAC system in your home is not something you have to do frequently. Your current thermostat might be part of your HVAC system for years already. But due to several recently encountered thermostat-related problems, you will have no choice but to purchase a new thermostat. You’ve been advised by many HVAC experts that two of the best thermostat brands are Ecobee and Nest. A few of these experts have even recommended that you go to your HVAC supplier and depending on what is in stock, buy either an Ecobee or Nest thermostat and install it. However, you now wonder whether Ecobee and Nest are really considered good thermostats, and even if it is so, whether you shouldn’t first compare the two brands in more detail. But you are not sure which aspects should you compare. Ecobee and Nest thermostats have for years already…